Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Silent Triple Crow

Is it just me, or did Miguel Cabrera just accomplish one of the most impressive feats in baseball, with hardly anyone noticing? For the first time since 1967, someone won the Triple Crown (tops in the league in Avg, RBI, and HR). Only 14 others in the 153 year history of baseball have ever done what Cabrera just did. Yet, despite non-stop sports coverage on multiple outlets, barely anyone knew. If you listen to those who know Cabrera, this is likely just how he would like it. It is however, very disappointing for baseball and very frustrating for the fans.

Usually, when someone accomplishes something which has not been done for 45 years, it is over covered, not barely covered. Had Cabreara tested positive for PEDs, it would have been front page news and the SportsCenter lead in. Yet, this morning, the morning after one of the greatest sports accomplishments of my lifetime, the winning of the Triple Crown was not the front story on What was you ask? Why, the story about the Yankees clinching the AL East, what else? Cabrera’s story was a small link in the ‘Headlines’ segment. By 2pm, the Cabrera story was no longer even on the front page at all…the Bobby Valentine being fired was though. And, this is not just an ESPN thing, it is many of the ‘Sports’ leaders. I understand that Cabrera is quiet, and from a smaller market Midwest team, and ratings and hits wouldn’t be as high if you lead with Cabrera. Fine. Then just admit you only cover things that drive ratings and not actual sports stories. My guess is ‘whether or not Tim Tebow should start this week’ or ‘should Stephen Strausburg pitch in the playoffs’ will get as much, if not more attention than the Cabrera Triple Crown. Real sports fans want to know about good sports stories, not just about Tim Tebow, PEDs and things that are happening in the big markets.

Over the past month, I got a daily Stausburg pitch count, a daily update on whether or not Tebow should start, but I rarely remember hearing about Cabrera’s chase. Maybe I wasn’t paying enough attention to what was going on. Maybe other sports fans were more aware of how close Cabrera was……but I doubt it.

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